Customer Testimonials

Abigail via WeddingWire

Len and his team did everything to make our special day even better. From the location to the atmosphere both inside and out this is truly a great place to hold your special event. There are a ton of ways to set up the interior space and truly suit your needs. They have a full…

Brooke via WeddingWire

I would recommend Warehouse 435 in a heartbeat. It is beautiful, with unique touches and details that make for beautiful photo opportunities. The owners are extremely accommodating, and were so helpful throughout the entire experience. They made sure that my vision was truly brought to life. We had so many compliments from our guests on…

Emily K. via Wedding Wire

Lenny & Susie are who you want to work with for your upcoming wedding/event, that I can assure you. We were honored to be able to be WAREHOUSE435’s first ever wedding in our hometown. The owners were flexible and allowed creativity to make your event YOUR own. They were always available when help was needed,…

Lucy F. via WeddingWire

WareHouse435 is the PERFECT setting for your wedding day! Len & Susie were so attentive & accommodating – they were with us every step of the way… even with the MANY changes we had to make. Brides: one step into this place and you’ll start visualizing your big day!! **CHECK OUT THE STUNNING BRIDAL SUITE…

Mattie B. via WeddingWire

The best venue!!! Len and his wife were so helpful. They were so flexible and helpful as we navigated through 2020! The bridal suite, groomsmen room, and the dock room for the ceremony were SO nice. They were so very accommodating. We got so many compliments at our wedding about how beautiful the place was!!…